อรุณรัตน์ ฉวีราช
ชื่อ-นามสกุล: อรุณรัตน์ ฉวีราช (Arunrat Chaveerach)
ตำแหน่ง: ศาสตราจารย์
ห้องทำงาน: 3208, 3124 (Lab)
E-mail: raccha@kku.ac.th
สาขาที่สนใจ: Plant Morphology, Palynology, Plant Systematics, Plant and Animal Molecular Systematics
311 316 Plant Morphology
311 317 Plant Morphology Lab
311 737 Plant Molecular Systematics
311 320 Aquatic Plants
311 321 Aquatic Plants Lab
1. เครื่องหมายพันธุกรรมที่จำเพาะกับพืชสกุลพริกไทยในประเทศไทย
2. การศึกษาลายพิมพ์ดีเอ็นเอด้วยเทคนิค ISSR ของพืชข้าวเย็นเหนือ-ข้าวเย็นใต้ในตำรับยาสมุนไพรและในธรรมชาติ
3. การศึกษาดัชนีเชิงคุณภาพสมุนไพรเถาสะค้าน
4. เครื่องหมายดีเอ็นเอเพื่อการตรวจสอบชนิดของพืชสกุล Cymbidium ในประเทศไทย
5. ที่ปรึกษานักวิจัยในประเทศ คือ ดร.รุ่งลาวัลย์ สุดมูล นักวิจัยหลังปริญญาเอก ทำการวิจัยที่ภาควิชาชีววิทยา คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น ทุนสำนักงานคณะกรรมการการอุดมศึกษา ระหว่างเดือนธันวาคม 2551 ถึงปัจจุบัน
6. ที่ปรึกษานักวิจัยต่างประเทศ คือ Dr. Nathaniel Bletter นักวิจัยหลังปริญญาเอกแห่ง University of Hawaii at Manoa ประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกา ตามหนังสือเชิญจากสำนักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแห่งชาติ โดยทำหน้าที่กำกับดูแลการทำวิจัย เป็นผู้วิจัยร่วมและเป็นผู้ประสานงานพื้นที่ที่จะทำวิจัย ระหว่างเดือนกุมภาพันธ์ 2553 ถึงปัจจุบัน
1. Professor Dr. Will McClatchey
Vice President & Director of Research, Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Texas, USA
2. Professor Dr. Thomas Liehr
Institute of Human Genetics, Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena, Jena, Germany
3. Dr. Brijmohan Singh Bhau
Medicinal Aromatic & Economic Plant Division, CSIR-Northeast Institute of Science & Technology, Assam, India
4. Dr. Sawlang Borsingh Wann
Department of Biotechnology, CSIR-Northeast Institute of Science & Technology, Assam, India
5. Dr. Nyree Zerega
Plant Biology and Conservation. Director, Graduate Program in Plant Biology and Conservation, Chicago Botanic Garden, Chicago, USA
6. Assistant Professor Dr.Rasika G. Mudalige-Jayawickrama
Department of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Dubuque, Iowa, USA
7. Dr.Nat Bletter
Department of Botany, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawaii, USA
*Corresponding author
>> 2014
64. Neeratanaphan, L., Sudmoon, R., and Chaveerach, A. 2014. Genetic erosion in the freshwater snail Filopaludina martensi is affected by lead and cadmium. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 12(4): 991-1001.
63. Neeratanaphan, L., Sudmoon, R., and Chaveerach, A. 2014. Assessment of Genotoxicity through ISSR Marker in Pistia stratiotes Induced by Lead. EnvironmentAsia 7(2): 99-107. SNIP 0.6.
62. Fan, X., Sangpakdee, W., Tanomtong, A., Chaveerach, A., Pinthong, K., Pornnarong, S., Supiwong, W., Trifonov, V., Hovhannisyan, G., Loth, K., Hensel, CH., Liehr, TH., and Weise, A. 2014. Comprehensive molecular cytogenetic analysis of barbary macaque (Macaca sylvanus). Biological Journal of Armenia 66(1): 98-102.
61. Supiwong, W., Liehr, T., Cioffi, M.B., Chaveerach, A.*, Kosyakova, N., Pinthong, K., Tanee, T., and Tanomtong, A. 2014. Chromosomal evolution in naked catfishes (Bagridae, Siluriformes): A comparative chromosome mapping study. Zoologischer Anzeiger 253(2014): 316-320. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcz.2014.02.004. ISI impact factor 1.40.
60. Noikotr, K., Pinthong, K., Tanomtong, A., Sudmoon, R., Chaveerach, A., and Tanee, T. 2014. Karyotype analysis of two groupers, Epinephelus species (Serranidae). Caryologia 67(1): 63-65. ISI impact factor 0.632.
59. Chaveerach, A., Aungkapattamagul, S., Tanee, T., Noikotr, K., and Sudmoon, R. 2014. Genetic verification and chemical contents identification of Allamanda species (Apocynaceae). Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 27(3): 417-424. ISI impact factor 0.947.
>> 2013
58. Fan, X., Pinthong, K., Mkrtchyan, H., Siripiyasing, P., Kosyakova, N., Supiwong, W., Tanomtong, A., Chaveerach, A., Liehr, T., Cioffi, M.B., and Weise, A. 2013. First detailed reconstruction of the karyotype of Trachypithecus cristatus (Mammalia: Cercopithecidae). Molecular Cytogenetics 6: 58. DOI: 10.1186/1755-8166-6-58. ISI impact factor 2.36.
57. Supiwong, W., Liehr, T., Cioffi, M.B., Chaveerach, A.*, Kosyakova, N., Pinthong, K., Tanee, T., and Tanomtong, A. 2013. Karyotype and cytogenetic mapping of 9 classes of repetitive DNAs in the genome of the naked catfish Mystus bocourti (Siluriformes, Bagridae). Molecular Cytogenetics 6: 51. DOI: 10.1186/1755-8166-6-51. ISI impact factor 2.36.
56. Noikotr, K., Pinthong, K., Tanomtong, A., Sudmoon, R., Chaveerach, A., and Tanee, T. 2013. RAPD and barcode analyses of grouper species of the genusEpinephelus. Genetics and Molecular Research 12(4): 5721-5732. DOI: 10.4238/2013.November.18.21. ISI impact factor 0.994.
55. Tanee, T., Chaveerach, A., Narong, C., Pimjai, M., Punsombut, P., and Sudmoon, R. 2013. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in fish from the Chi River, Maha Sarakham Province, Thailand. International Journal of Biosciences 3(8): 159-167.
54. Siripiyasing, P., Kaenratana, K., Mokkamul, P., and Chaveerach, A.* 2013. Molecular assessment for genetic identification and stability of Cymbidium sanderae (Orchidaceae). Pakistan Journal of Botany 45(2): 519-523. ISI impact factor 0.872.
53. Kosyakova, N., Hamid, A.B., Chaveerach, A., Pinthong, K., Siripiyasing, P., Supiwong, W., Romanenko, S., Trifonov, V., and Xiaobo, F. 2013. Generation of multicolor banding probes for chromosomes of different species. Molecular Cytogenetics 6: 6 DOI: 10.1186/1755-8166-6-6. ISI impact factor 2.36.
52. Incamnoi, P., Patramanon, R., Thammasirirak, S., Chaveerach, A., Uawonggul, N., Sukprasert, S., Rungsa, P., Daduang, J., and Daduang, S. 2013. Heteromtoxin (HmTx), a novel heterodimeric phospholipase A2 from Heterometrus laoticus scorpion venom. Toxicon 61: 62-71. ISI impact factor 2.508.
51. Supiwong, W., Tanomtong, A., Chaveerach, A., Tanee, T., Khakhong, S., and Sanoamuang, L. 2013. Interpopulational variation of NOR positions and karyotypic analysis of Siamese catfish (Pseudomystus siamensis) in Thailand. Cytologia 78(1): 25-34.ISI impact factor 0.306.
50. Kwanda, N., Noikotr, K., Sudmoon, R., Tanee, T., Chaveerach, A.* 2013. Medicinal parasitic plants on diverse hosts with their usages and barcodes. Journal of Natural Medicines DOI: 10.1007/s11418-012-0695-2. ISI Impact Factor 1.389.
>> 2012
49. Tanomtong, A., Supiwong, W., Chaveerach, A., Khakhong, S., Tanee, T., and Sanoamuang, L. 2012. First report of chromosome analysis of saddleback anemonefish, Amphiprion polymnus (Perciformes, Amphiprioninae) in Thailand. Cytologia 77(4): 441-446. ISI impact factor 0.306.
48. Tanee, T., Chadmuk, P., Sudmoon, R., Chaveerach, A.*, and Noikotr, K. 2012. Genetic analysis for identification, genomic template stability in hybrids, and barcodes of the Vanda species (Orchidaceae) of Thailand. African Journal of Biotechnology 11(55): 11772-11781. ISI Impact Factor 0.573.
47. Sudmoon, R., Tanee, T., Wongpanich, V., Bletter, N., and Chaveerach, A.* 2012. Ethnobotany and species specific molecular markers of some medicinal sakhan (Piper, Piperaceae). Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 6(7): 1168-1175. ISI Impact Factor 0.879.
46. Siripiyasing, P., Kaenratana, K., Mokkamul, P., Tanee, T., Sudmoon, R., and Chaveerach, A.* 2012. DNA barcoding of Cymbidium species (Orchidaceae) in Thailand. African Journal of Agricultural Research 7(3): 393-400. ISI Impact Factor 0.263.
>> 2011
45. Monkheang, P., Sudmoon, R., Tanee, T., Noikotr, K., Bletter, N., and Chaveerach, A.*2011. Species diversity, usages, molecular markers and barcode of medicinal Senna species (Fabaceae, Caesalpinioideae) in Thailand. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 5(26): 6173-6181. ISI Impact Factor 0.879.
44. Sudmoon, R., Tanee, T., and Chaveerach, A.* 2011. Piper protrusum (Piperaceae), a new species from southern Thailand based on morphological and molecular evidence. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 49(5): 468-475. ISI Impact Factor 1.295.
43. Kritpetcharat, O., Kritpetcharat, P., Daduang, J., Daduang, S., Suwanrungruang, K., Khemtonglang, N., Bletter, N., Sudmoon, R., and Chaveerach, A.* 2011. Using DNA markers and barcoding to solve the common problem of identifying dried medicinal plants with the examples of Smilax and Cissus in Thailand. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 5(15): 3480-3487. ISI Impact Factor 0.879.
42. Chaveerach, A., Tanee, T., and Sudmoon, R. 2011. Molecular identification and barcodes for the genus Nymphaea. Acta Biologica Hungarica 62(3): 328340. ISI Impact Factor 0.793.
41. Uawonggul, N., Thammasirirak, S., Chaveerach, A., Chuachan, C., Daduang, J., and Daduang, S. 2011. Plant extract activities against the fibroblast cell lysis by honey bee venom. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 5(10): 19781986. ISI Impact Factor 0.879.
>> 2010
40. Gomontean, B., Tanomtong, A., Kakampuy, W., and Chaveerach, A. 2010. A novel robertsonian translocation [57, rob (1/29) (4/28)] and polymorphism of nucleolar organizer regions (Nors) of captive Thai banteng (Bos javanicus birmanicus). Cytologia 74(4): 427-436.
39. Chaveerach, A., Sudmoon, R., Tanee, T., and Mokkamul, P. 2010. Notes on Piper rubroglandulosum (Piperaceae) in Thailand. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 60(3): 175-177.
38. Lattmann, E., Sattayasai, J., Sattayasai, N., Staaf, A., Phimmasone, S., Schwalbe, C.H., and Chaveerach, A. 2010. In-vitro and in-vivo antivenin activity of 2-[2-(5,5,8a-trimethyl-2-methylene-decahydro-napthalen-1-yl)-ethylidene]-succinaldehyde against Ophiophagus hannah venom. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 62(2): 257-262. ISI Impact Factor 1.80.
>> 2009
37. Tanee, T., Sudmoon, R., and Chaveerach, A. 2009. Molecular markers for identification of Vanilla species (Orchidaceae) in Thailand. ComBio 2009 Conference, Christchurch, 6-10 December 2009.
36. Sudmoon, R., Sattayasai, N., Chaveerach, A., Nuchadomrong, S., Kuehnle, A.R., and Mudalige-Jayawickrama, R.G. 2009. Thermostable mannose binding lectin from Dendrobium findleyanum: production, localization and characterization. ComBio 2009 Conference, Christchurch, 6-10 December 2009.
35. Anuniwat, A., Chaveerach, A.*, Tanee, T., and Sudmoon, R. 2009. Development of SCAR markers for species identification of the genus Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae). Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 12(22): 1455-1461.
34. Sattayasai, N., Sudmoon, R., Nuchadomrong, S., Chaveerach, A., Kuehnle, A.R., Mudalige-Jayawickrama, R.G., and Bunyatratchata, W. 2009. Dendrobium findleyanum agglutinin: production, localization, anti-fungal activity and gene characterization. Plant Cell Reports 28(8): 1243-1252. ISI Impact Factor 1.946.
33. Pinthong, K., Chaveerach, A.*, Tanee, T., Sudmoon, R., and Mokkamul, P. 2009. Differential expressed protein in developing stages of Nepenthes gracilis Korth. pitcher. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 12(6): 526-529.
32. Tanee, T., Chaveerach, A.*, Sudmoon, R., Tanomtong, A., and Mokkamul, P. 2009. Genetic relationships of Cercopithecidae in Thailand as inferred from rDNA ITS regions. Journal of Biological Sciences 9(1): 51-56.
31. Tanee, T., Chaveerach, A.*, Anuniwat, A., Tanomtong, A., Pinthong, K., Sudmoon, R., and Mokkamul, P. 2009. Molecular analysis for genetic diversity and distance of introduced Grus antigone sharpii L. to Thailand. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 12(2): 163-167.
>> 2008
30. Sudmoon, R., Sattayasai, N., Bunyatratchata, W., Chaveerach, A., and Nuchadomrong, S. 2008. Thermostable mannose-binding lectin from Dendrobium findleyanum with activities dependent on sulfhydryl content. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica 40(9): 811-818. ISI Impact Factor 1.017.
29. Chaveerach, A., Sudmoon, R., Tanee, T., and Mokkamul, P. 2008. Two new species of Piper. In: The species diversity of the genus Piper from Thailand. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 59(2):120, 123-125, 142-144.
28. Chaveerach, A., Sudmoon, R., Tanee, T., and Mokkamul, P. 2008. The species diversity of the genus Piper from Thailand. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 59(2): 105-163.
27. Chaveerach, A., Mokkamul, P., Sudmoon, R., and Tanee, T. 2008. A new species of Amomum Roxb. (Zingiberaceae) from northern Thailand. Taiwania 53(1): 6-10.
26. Chaveerach, A., Mokkamul, P., Sudmoon, R., and Tanee, T. 2008. A new species of Alpinia Roxb. (Zingiberaceae) from northeastern Thailand. Taiwania 53(1): 1-5.
25. Chaveerach, A., Srisamoot, N., Nuchadomrong, S., Sattayasai, N., Chaveerach, P., Tanomtong, A., and Pinthong, K. 2008. Phylogenetic relationships of wildlife order Carnivora in Thailand inferred from the internal transcribed spacer region. Journal of Biological Sciences 8(2): 278-287.
24. Chaveerach, A., Sudmoon, R., Tanee, T., Mokkamul, P., Sattayasai, N., and Sattayasai, J. 2008. Two new species of Curcuma (Zingiberaceae) used as cobra-bite antidotes. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 46(1): 80-88. ISI Impact Factor 0.257.
>> 2007
23. Chaveerach, A., Sudmoon, R., Tanee, T., Sattayasai, N., and Sattayasai, J. 2007. A new species of the genus Curcuma L., Zingiberaceae. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 58(2/3): 23-27.
22. Chaveerach, A., Mokkamul, P., Sudmoon, R., Tanee, T., and Garcia, V.F. 2007. A new species of Stahlianthus (Zingiberaceae) from northeastern Thailand. Taiwania 52(4): 315-319.
21. Chaveerach, A., Sudmoon, R., Tanee, T., Mokkamul, P., and Tanomtong, A. 2007. Genetic relationships in a population of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. (Nelumbonaceae). Journal of Biological Science 7(8): 1388-1393.
20. Chaveerach, A., Sudmoon, R., Tanee, T., and Mokkamul, P. 2007. Two new species of Piper (Piperaceae) from Malay Peninsula. Taiwania 52(3): 210-215.
19. Chaveerach, A., Mokkamul, P., Sudmoon, R., and Tanee, T. 2007. A new species of Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) from northern Thailand. Taiwania 52(2): 159-163.
18. Srisamoot, N., Chaveerach, A.*, Nuchadomrong, S., Sattayasai, N., Chaveerach, P., Tanomtong, A., and Pinthong, K. 2007. Genetic relationships among wild Felidae in Thailand using AFLP markers. Pakistan Journal of Biological Science 10(16): 2639-2645.
17. Kakampuy, W., Tanomtong, A., Chaveerach, A.*, and Sangpakdee, W. 2007. New Robertsonian translocation chromosomes in captive Thai gaur (Bos gaurus). Pakistan Journal of Biological Science 10(13): 2185-2191.
16. Chaveerach, A., Tanomtong, A., Sudmoon, R., Tanee, T., and Mokkamul, P. 2007. A new species and two new varieties of Piper (Piperaceae) from Thailand. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 58(1): 33-38.
15. Tanee, T., Chaveerach, A.*, Sattayasai, N., Tanomtong, A., Suarez, S.A., and Nuchadomrong, S. 2007. Analysis of the genetic relationships among Thai gibbon species using AFLP markers. Pakistan Journal of Biological Science 10(9): 1459-1464.
14. Chaveerach, A., Tanee, T., Sattayasai, N., Tanomtong, A., Suarez, S.A., and Nuchadomrong, S. 2007. Genetic relationships of langur species using AFLP markers. Pakistan Journal of Biological Science 10(9): 1445-1451.
13. Mokkamul, P., Chaveerach, A.*, Sudmoon, R., and Tanee, T. 2007. Species identification and sex determination of the genus Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae). Pakistan Journal of Biological Science 10(4): 561-567.
12. Uawonggul, N., Thammasirirak, S., Chaveerach, A., Arkaravichien, T., Bunyatratchata, W., Ruangjirachuporn, W., Jearranaiprepame, P., Nakamura, T., Matsuda, M., Kobayashi, M., Hattori, S., and Daduang, S. 2007. Purification and characterization of Heteroscorpine-1 (HS-1) toxin from Heterometrus laoticus scorpion venom. Toxicon 49: 19-29. ISI Impact Factor 2.246.
>> 2006
11. Chaveerach, A., Mokkamul, P., Sudmoon, R., and Tanee, T. 2006. Ethnobotany of the genus Piper (Piperaceae) in Thailand. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 4: 223-231.
10. Tanee, T., Chaveerach, A.*, Sattayasai, A., Tanomtong, A., Suarez, S.A., and Nuchadomrong, S. 2006. Cytogenetic and AFLP fingerprints for five species of Thai Macaques. Cytologia 71(3): 303-308.
9. Tanomtong, A., Chaveerach, A.*, and Bunjonrat, R. 2006. Comparative karyotypic studies on three species of the subfamily Viverrinae in Thailand. Cytologia 71(3): 269-273.
8. Tanomtong, A., Khunsook, S., Chaveerach, A.*, Kaensa, W., and Bunjonrat, R. 2006. Comparative phylogenetic studies of Rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) and Human (Homo sapiens) using G-banding pattern. Cytologia 71(1): 87-92.
7. Chaveerach, A., Sudmoon, R., Tanee, T., and Mokkamul, P. 2006. Three new species of Piperaceae from Thailand. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 44(4): 447-453. ISI Impact Factor 0.314.
6. Chaveerach, A., Tanomtong, A., Sudmoon, R., and Tanee, T. 2006. Genetic diversity among geographically separated populations of Nepenthes mirabilis. Biologia, Bratislava 61(3): 295-298. ISI Impact Factor 0.240.
5. Uawonggul, N., Chaveerach, A., Thammasirirak, S., Arkaravichien, T., Chuachan, C., and Daduang, S. 2006. Screening of plants acting against Heterometrus laoticus scorpion venom activity on fibroblast cell lysis. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 103: 201-207. ISI Impact Factor 1.554.
>> 2005
4. Daduang, S., Sattayasai, N., Sattayasai, J., Tophrom, P., Thammathaworn, A., Chaveerach, A., and Kokchaiyaphum, M. 2005. Screening of plants containing Naja naja siamensis cobra venom inhibitory activity using modified ELISA technique. Analytical Biochemistry 341: 316-325. ISI Impact Factor 2.670.
3. Tanomtong, A., Chaveerach, A.*, Sriphoom, A., and Bunjonrat, R. 2005. Cytogenetic study on wild animal species of the subfamily Paradoxurinae in Thailand. Cytologia 70(3): 249-255.
2. Tanomtong, A., Chaveerach, A.*, Phanjun, G., Kaensa, W., and Khunsook, S. 2005. New records of chromosomal features in Indian Muntjacs (Muntiacus muntjak) and Feas Muntjacs (M. feae) of Thailand. Cytologia 70(1): 71-77.
>> 2002
1. Chaveerach, A. (R.), Kunitake, H., Nuchadomrong, S., Sattayasai, N., and Komatsu, H. 2002. RAPD patterns as a useful tool to differentiate Thai Piper from morphologically alike Japanese Piper. Science Asia 28: 221-225.
อื่น ๆ:
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), Madison, USA.
Total of 216 nucleotide accessions (July 2010) as followed:
17. Siripiyasing, P., Chaveerach, A., Sudmoon, R. and Tanee, T. 2010. DNA barcoding of the genus Cymbidium in Thailand: Accession numbers GU990531, GU990532, HM008989 HM008996, HM053591 HM053608, HM137046 HM137082 (65).
16. Chaveerach, A., Tanee, T. and Sudmoon, R. 2010. DNA barcoding for Piper elevatusrhachisum (Piperaceae), a new species from Southern Thailand: Accession numbers GU980898 GU980900 (3).
15. Chaveerach, A., Tanee, T. and Sudmoon, R. 2010. DNA barcoding for genus Paphiopedilum (Orchidaceae) in Thailand: Accession numbers GU969283 GU969284 (2).
14. Chaveerach, A., Tanee, T., Sudmoon, R. and Kheysuk, T. 2010. DNA barcodes of genus Senna: Accession numbers GU942491 GU942496, GU969277 GU969282 (12).
13. Kritpetcharat, O., Kritpetcharat, P., Daduang, J., Daduang, S., Suwanrungruang, K., Khemtonglang, N., Sudmoon, R. and Chaveerach, A. 2010. DNA barcodes of genera Smilax and Cissus: Accession numbers GU372808 GU372820 (13).
12. Chaveerach, A., Tanee, T. and Sudmoon, R. 2009-2010. DNA barcoding of Thai medicinal Piper species: Accession numbers GQ500612 GQ500619, GQ891994 GQ892001, GU372746 GU372751 (22).
11. Chaveerach, A., Srisamoot, N., Tanee, T., Sudmoon, R. and Noikotr, K. 2009. Sequences of internal transcribed spacer regions from wildlife order Carnivora: Accession numbers GU055308 GU055315 (8).
10. Anuniwat, A., Chaveerach, A., Tanee, T., Sudmoon, R. and Mokkamul, P. 2009. SCAR marker sequences for genus Nepenthes: Accession numbers GQ166959 GQ166963 (5).
9. Tanee, T., Chaveerach, A. and Sudmoon, R. 2009. Molecular markers (SCAR markers) for identification of Vanilla species (Orchidaceae) in Thailand: GenBank accession numbers GU197390 GU197393 (4).
8. Tanee, T., Chaveerach, A., Sudmoon, R. and Mokkamul, P. 2009. DNA barcodes of genus Vanilla in Thailand: Accession numbers FJ816092 FJ816099, GU980901 GU980904 (12).
7. Siripiyasing, P., Chaveerach, A., Sudmoon, R., Mokkamul, P., Anuniwat, A. and Tanee, T. 2009. Barcoding of Cymbidium species: Accession numbers FJ527760 FJ527771 (12).
6. Chaveerach, A., Tanee, T., Sudmoon, R., Mokkamul, P., Siripiyasing, P. 2009. DNA barcodes of genus Curcuma: Accession numbers FJ214967 FJ214971, FJ687416 FJ687425 (15).
5. Chaveerach, A., Tanee, T., Sudmoon, R., Anuniwat, A., Mokkamul, P. and Siripiyasing, P. 2009. Barcoding of genera Nymphaea and Nelumbo: Accession numbers FJ527751 FJ527759 (9).
4. Chaveerach, A., Sudmoon, R., Tanee, T., Anuniwat, A. and Mokkamul, P. 2009. Barcoding of genera Nelumbo and Nymphaea: Accession numbers FJ214972 FJ214983 (12).
3. Tanee, T., Chaveerach, A., Sudmoon, R. and Tanomtong, A. 2009. Genetic relationships of Cercopithecidae in Thailand as inferred from rDNA ITS regions: Accession numbers EU938063 EU938068 (6).
2. Sudmoon, R., Sattayasai, N., Nuchadomrong, S., Chaveerach, A., Kuehnle, A.R. and Mudalige-Jayawickrama, R.G. 2009. ITS sequences of rDNA from some Dendrobium species in Thailand: Accession numbers EU477498 EU477512 (15).
1. Sudmoon, R., Sattayasai, N., Nuchadomrong, S., Chaveerach, A., Kuehnle, A.R. and Mudalige-Jayawickrama, R.G. 2009. Dendrobium findleyanum agglutinin (dfa) mRNA, complete cds: Accession number EF577046 (1).
1. อรุณรัตน์ ฉวีราช, รุ่งลาวัลย์ สุดมูล, ธวัดชัย ธานี, ปิยะ โมคมุล และ ฉัตรทอง เจือจันทน์. 2548. พืชสกุลพริกไทยในประเทศไทย. ขอนแก่นการพิมพ์: 114 หน้า. ISBN 974-666-554-5.
2. อรุณรัตน์ ฉวีราช, ธวัดชัย ธานี, รุ่งลาวัลย์ สุดมูล และ ปิยะ โมคมุล. 2552. พืชสกุลพริกไทยในประเทศไทย. พิมพ์ครั้งที่ 2. ขอนแก่นการพิมพ์: 163 หน้า. ISBN 978-616-549-005-4.
1. อรุณรัตน์ ฉวีราช. 2548. พรรณไม้น้ำ. พิมพ์ครั้งที่ 2. ภาควิชาชีววิทยา คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น. 149 หน้า. ISBN 974-654-021.
2. อรุณรัตน์ ฉวีราช. 2552. อนุกรมวิธานระดับโมเลกุลของพืช. โครงการผลิตตำรา คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น. 172 หน้า. ISBN 978-616-7183-76-3.
1. Chaveerach, A. (R.) and Neeratanaphan, W. 1999. Bladder of Utricularia L. KKU Research Journal, Khon Kaen University 27(1): 38-42.
2. Chaveerach, A. (R.). 2001. Study on taxonomy of insectivorous water family Lentibulariaceae. KKU Research Journal, Khon Kaen University 6(1): 41-47.
3. อรุณรัตน์ ฉวีราช รุ่งลาวัลย์ สุดมูล ปิยะ โมคมุล และธวัดชัย ธานี. 2550. พืชสกุลพริกไทยชนิดใหม่ของโลก. วารสารก้าวทันโลกวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏบ้านสมเด็จเจ้าพระยา 7(1): 72-93.